Campfire Camaraderie

Just as the campfire back at any hunting camp is the setting for many lively discussions, shared experiences, and riveting storytelling; this blog is designed to allow me to share with you all of my latest hunts, articles, video or TV projects, and all the other exciting things happening with me, Trevon Stoltzfus and

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Location: Colorado, United States

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NE CBA (Colorado Bowhunter's Association meeting

Last night I had the priviledge to speak to the NE CBA meeting held at Sportsman's Warehouse in Loveland CO. The turn out was great (around 70 people) and I had a chance to hand out a bunch of Wilderness Athlete prizes for trivia questions answered, and share a comical look at televised hunting from my perspective. Really I made fun ofmyself and shared a lot of my misses and misadventures on video. We all had some good laughs at my expense. (I sometimes get tired of doing seminars from the how-to perspective and it is just fun to laugh sometimes!) Here are a few pics.

ATA (Archery Trade Association) Indy, IN

Just got back from the annual ATA show in Indy and this year was a little different then prior years. This year along with looking at the new equipment, researchfor upcoming articles, and talking to my sponsors I had the priviledge of working the inaugural Wilderness Athlete booth. WA was the buzz of the show and we introduced a ton of people to WA and how it can really help the outdoorsman towards better health and nutrition.
Also check out Wilderness Athlete's new website

first pic is of Marc Smith, Mark Paulsen (WA Founder), and me.
2nd is the WA booth ready for action
3rd is Mark Paulsen, me, Marc Smith, Fred Eichler, and Lon Lauber (I have no idea what he is staring at??)
4th Me and Randy Ulmer